À propos

Are you thinking of selling?

Make an appointment for a free valuation of your property. We visit the property, advise you on a realistic asking price and we explain our way of working.
You can decide in all freedom whether or not you would like to work with us for the sale of your property.

En savoir plus

Bored with your interior?

Our decoration experts are at your disposal to guide you step by step in the design of your interior and will give you the best advice for your interior design.

Discover our tailor-made services to embellish the decoration of your home.

Explore our services

Le Titre de votre Site

Tony Fred, CEO

Founder and chief visionary, Tony is the driving force behind the company. He loves to keep his hands full by participating in the development of the software, marketing, and customer experience strategies.

Mich Stark, COO

Mich adore relever des défis. Fort de son expérience de plusieurs années en tant que directeur commercial dans l'industrie du logiciel, Mich a aidé l'entreprise à en arriver là où elle en est aujourd'hui. Mich fait partie des meilleurs esprits.

Aline Turner, CTO

Aline est une personne emblématique. On peut dire qu'elle aime ce qu'elle fait. Elle encadre plus de 100 développeurs internes et s'occupe de la communauté de milliers de développeurs.

Iris Joe, CFO

Iris, with her international experience, helps us easily understand the numbers and improves them. She is determined to drive success and delivers her professional acumen to bring the company to the next level.